Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Supplement your health and a beautiful skin. You can make a difference

Maintaining a nutritionally balanced diet is universally recognized as a key factor in promoting better health physically, mentally and emotionally and specific fruit, nuts and vegetables play an important preventative and curative role in our daily lives. One can also influence various skin conditions with the intake of specific nutrients.

Acne and Impure Skin
Wheat Germ oil: enhances the metabolism of fats, thereby reducing the excretory burden on the skin, improves digestion, the assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of waste product. Take 1-2 teaspoons daily Cucumber as bulk or juice is a potent diuretic that facilitate the excretion of waste through the kidneys. Garlic purifies the bloodstream and purges the body of toxic waste. It kills bacteria attracted to festering eruptions on the skin. (Must be taken raw or in tablet form.) Other Beneficial foods: Fresh lemon juice in warm water, alfalfa tea, raw potatoes juice ¼ litre daily.

Allergies can be greatly influenced by detoxifying methods Carrot juice- detoxifies the liver, blood and intestinal tract, and balances the intestinal tract. Drink 1 litre per day. Cucumber juice purges the blood and kidneys of acids and other toxins, thereby encouraging the excretion of waste, it also balances the pH. It can be mixed with carrot juice. Drink 1 litre per day.

AGING Skin aging is related primarily to genetics and environmental and lifestyle influences.

If you are already engaging in healthy habits, take it a step further and try to fine-tune your diet to achieve added health benefits by adding new foods to your diet, Some experts say one answer to aging gracefully can be found in the grocery store — in fruits, vegetables, green tea, and a host of other healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants and other potentially age-deterring compounds.

Food for Healthy Aging
For maximum benefits, experts say, you should load up on a variety of healthy foods. Fish. Follow the guidelines of the American Heart Association and eat twice weekly, especially the fatty kind that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory food that offers a multitude of health benefits.
• Fruits and vegetables are powerhouses of antioxidants. Aim for a variety of colourful produce. Enjoy at least 5 servings per day for the maximum benefits.
• Whole grains provide soluble fibre to help lower blood cholesterol levels, and also have phytonutrient content equal to any fruit or vegetable. Strive for at least 3 daily servings.
• Legumes are unsung heroes, packed with nutrients similar to fruits and vegetables and with very few calories. Add them to your diet 3 to 4 times a week.
• Yogurt has all the benefits of dairy foods. Add a yogurt with active cultures as one of your 3 dairy servings each day.
• Nuts are a great source of B vitamins that are good for your heart and your brain. The healthy fats in nuts benefit the elastin and collagen in skin, helping to maintain the skin‘s structure and keep it resilient. Small portions are advised, as nuts are high in calories.
• Water is essential for hydration of the skin, muscles, circulation, and all organs in the body. Enjoy 3-4 glasses of pure water in addition to other liquids and watery foods, eg Watermelon.

Drink carrot, Beet and Cucumber juice : this blend provides a potent boost of the active enzymes and organic nutrients to the bloodstream, while also alkalizing and cleansing the kidneys, which in turn improves the blood quality and helps to relieve fatigue. Combine equal amounts of each ingredient and drink 1 litre per day Carrot juice alone is perhaps the best overall therapeutic food in the world; it alkalizes , cleanses, nourishes and stimulates almost every system in the body; as such it is an effective antidote for nervous exhaustion, caused by the nutrient deficient diet of today’s busy stressed society. Nutritional Supplements: These are absolutely essential as a base for a healthy, youthful skin and body. Even if you maintain a healthy diet your body cannot extract important elements fin sufficient quantities or is not able to make certain valuable elements from your food. It is therefore necessary to provide additional valuable nutritional essentials by means of a supplement intake.

Dr BAUMANN COSMETICS Offers a Food Supplement with Vitamins, Minerals and essential trace elements. This supplement contains the exact elements necessary to support a healthy body and contributes greatly to skincare from within.

The DR BAUMANN Omega 3 Food Supplement contains the essential Omega 3 fatty acids for a healthy skin, body and mind. Nutrition is a vast subject but this information should encourage you to Learn more for Health’s sake.

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