Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What about AHA Fruit-Acids in Skin Care Products?

As soon as an American fashion invades Europe many cosmetic companies, beauty salons and consumers, incited by advertising adopt this fad without considering the possible negative effects on skin health. By marketing people (who are often lacking basic expert knowledge) fruit acids have been touted as the decisive new development in cosmetics. They are apparently not interested in the probable long-term dermatological effects, which can be observed especially after application on a daily base.

With normal skin with a normal horny layer and, treatment with fruit acids causes thins out of the horny layer, that why treatment of normal skin with fruit acids is utmost senseless. Be ware, that the horny layer is an important barrier for protecting our body. You are well advised to support the physiological function and structure of the skin, be careful not to harm it. This is above all important with regard to sunlight protection.

If the epidermis becomes too thin, the skin loses its most effective protection, dramatically increasing the sensitivity to UV-radiation that can penetrate more easily into the skin. Malignant skin tumours can be triggered by the possible cell injury. High UV-radiation always causes premature aging of the skin. If the treatment with fruit acids is carried out during wintertime because of reduced sun radiation, cold injury to the skin may result with low temperatures. The constant everyday treatment with fruit acids also seems to have a negative effect on the physiological skin bacteria that are important as a protection against the spreading of pathogenic germs. Also, the immune defence against bacteria, viruses and mycoses can be diminished, increasing the vulnerability of the skin to allergic diseases, eczema, etc., in the long run.

Fruit acids should only be used with skin problems caused by a thickened horny layer. The peeling of the upper horny layer makes sense, for example, when it is too thick and has closed the sebaceous glands, one important reason for acne. The skin should not be treated with fruit acids on a daily base but only in the form of cures so that the skin has the chance to regenerate in the time between the single cure treatments. We recommend glycolic acid in the form of a peeling cure. Concentrations of glycolic acid in the offered preparations is 10%, 20% and 30% so that the beautician can use the appropriate concentration for the respective type of skin.

With the first treatment, concentration of fruit acids should be low and the duration of traetment should be short in order to learn about the individual reaction time of each skin, even if there is only a small or no peeling effect at all with the first treatment. Note: Fruit acids in the form of a peeling cure are perfectly appropriate to reduce an overly thick horny layer to a normal level, e.g.. if a thickened horny layer has caused skin problems like acne. From our point of view, it is not advisable and is even dangerous to treat normal skin with a normal horny layer with creams containing fruit acids every day.
For an A – Z Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary, click here.

VEGAN - The Healthiest Diet

Decades ago, the brilliant physicist Albert Einstein said the following:
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet”

These clear words seem even more amazing when one considers that they were spoken at a time when people knew little about how the food on their plate affected their health or how it was connected to the environment, the world’s climate, world hunger, animal rights and human rights. If Albert Einstein had been familiar with current scientific evidence, surely his words would have been a bit different:
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegan diet.”

A vegan diet is one that contains no animal products. If well planned and well balanced, it is the healthiest diet one can follow, benefiting the environment, the world’s climate, animals and humans. Because following a vegan diet and a vegan lifestyle can bring such great benefits to each and every one of us, I have decided to publish this little booklet for the sake of society – especially for our children and grandchildren – as well as for the benefi t of the environment, the world’s climate and animals. In order to make the healthiest decisions for ourselves and the planet, we need to have the best available information. Of course, it is also important to understand that following a vegan diet does not mean that we have to miss out on anything. Quite the contrary – a vegan diet is a pure feast, as numerous vegan cookbooks and restaurants have proved.
To this brochure you find the accompanying short film under
The quality of our diet directly influences our health: Our diet enables us to remain in good health and good shape for the majority of our life. Considering its extraordinary importance, shouldn’t we want to learn what nutritionists and studies from around the world say about a healthy diet? To read more download the full PDF

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Not On Vacation - Just Taking Care of Me

Hi everyone,

I've taken the week off! All my clients got excited about Eleni going away! Truth be told, I too was excited about taking a week off, but not for the same reason my clients were excited! You see, I had scheduled surgery - repairing a hernia, which possibly transpired as a result of last year's surgery....goodbye gall bladder!

I didn't stress about the time I would have to schedule off work. I know I'm my own boss and am responsible for keeping up with the day to day activities, both treatments and administrative. At the beginning of the summer, I knew I had a lot of work ahead of me, including the kind of things I would integrate to make life easy for me and my clients, and all the new clients coming! Aside from the blog, I had a clear vision of the content and direction of treatments, and the way things were going to be done!

For one thing, a new web-site had to be developed, and a loyalty program, and an easy way of letting people know that only healthy treatments are being offered, and that the energy healing component definitely takes care of one's inside. And, it had to get easier for a client to book an appointment, so with the help of Gen Book, we now have a fab online booking calendar, AND the convenience of online gift certificate purchases. How cool is that?! Do you know what this means? It means you can buy online for your best friend, colleague, sister or whoever, email the recipient with their gift, while yougeta copy and confirmation of the buy, all while you're sitting in your warm, fuzzy pajamas feeling absolutely fabulous that you didn't have to go anywhere except to your laptop at home!

The other matter, I kind of worried about, but not too much, was this: how are my clients going to feel about me taking a week off? Honestly, what was I thinking?! I have the most amazing clients! I told them straight up that I was having surgery, once the date was scheduled. Of course they are understanding. Of course it would be no issue at all, and believe me, it hasn't been an issue, because while I'm still in hospital, yes, that's right....I'm in my capri jama pants, ecru colour with blue sheep, and my hospital robe, room-mates making noises you don't want to know about....I feel amazing because clients have been booking online. I've been getting the booking notifications. Business is being booked and taken care of because I had the foresight to see what I was missing in my business, and to make sure it was done before my surgery.

I feel so amazing the website went up with the online appointment book, on time, and I've just sailed through a surgery and recovery, which isn't over yet, but isn't going to be a long drawn event, simply because I planned an easy recovery too!

I'll be home tomorrow, taking it easy for sure, but also making sure I get to do some more fun things for my clients.....all stress free!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


There has never been a better time than being in my "now."  I am so grateful for everything I am, and all which I have.  I work with incredible people.  My clients are the most amazing people, with Souls that shine brightly.  It took a long time to get to this feeling of just being in the "flow" and staying the most perfect day, everyday.....learning to embrace the contrast which comes our way.  I am just so grateful!!

Environmental Defense - Inspiring Change

Tell Canada to Make Sure We're "Just Beautiful"

How safe are the personal products we use on our bodies? The answer: nobody knows. The cosmetic business is a deregulated wild west.

Canadians put toxics on their skin every day from the cosmetics and other personal care products they use. Thousands of cancer-causing, hormone-disrupting, and allergy-inducing substances have been banned or restricted in European personal care products. Some of these same harmful substances can still be found in Canadian products, but we are not told about everything that's in our products.

It's time that our laws got a serious makeover. Ask the Minister of Health to strengthen and enforce Canada's regulation of toxic chemicals in our personal care products.

To: The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health

We can't believe that harmful substances are allowed in our cosmetics and personal care products, and that you yourself don't know everything that's in them. That's why we're asking that the Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist and that ingredient disclosure in Canada be given a make-over. To help us make healthier purchasing decisions we ask that you:

- Expand the Hotlist: Ban all substances banned in Europe, and all substances known or suspected of being cancer-causing, mutagenic, reproductive toxicants, developmental toxicants, neurotoxicants, and hormone disruptors. Canada, like Europe, must also have the law written so it is clear that using Canadian Hotlist-prohibited substances in personal care products, or improperly using Canadian Hotlist-restricted substances in personal care products, is illegal.

- Require disclosure: Manufacturers or distributors should disclose all substances, intentional ingredients and unintentional ing... more


The Beauty of Science (As seen in Elevate Magazine)

“The Dr. Baumann cosmetic line gives exceptional anti-aging and restorative results using natural ingredients that have been scientifically proven to work—plus a unique method of delivery.” - By Marissa Stapley-Ponikowski, Elevate Magazine
There are countless products on the market containing high concentrations of potent anti-aging ingredients, but these magic bullets aren’t always being effectively delivered to the lower layers of skin, which is the only place where they can truly be effective. Enter the Dr. Baumann line, developed in Europe by a doctor/naturopath and a cosmetic chemist. At the cornerstone of the extensive family of products is the Liposome MultiActive line, which includes Liposome MultiActive C + E ($149) and Liposome MultiActive Ceramid ($149, at selected spas, naturopathic clinics and laser clinics; Liposomes are a unique cosmetic ingredient because they act as transporters of active substances. This means that when they’re combined with other ingredients, such as vitamins and ceramides, they help deliver the useful properties into deeper layers of skin, rather than allowing them to remain on the surface. In addition, liposomes can boost the skin’s moisture content quickly.

Click here to read the full article.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to School Skincare

Back to school isn't just about students going back to school.  It's about new beginnings after summer.  Back to business, back to your rhythm, back to autumn, back to cozy and warm fuzzy days.  After a hot, sweltering summer, it's also about taking care of skin.

After summer it's all about repairing, nourishing and hydrating the skin.  The Hydra Intense will give your skin everything in Liposomes and Ampoules, which boost the skin, giving it only what the skin naturally produces.  Healthy skin should feel soft, supple, dewy and moist.  If your skin doesn't feel like this on a constant basis, it's time to give you everything you've always wanted.

You're always welcome to a complimentary skin consultation.  Call me at 647.896.1566 to book a time and together, we'll give your skin and you the opportunity for a healthy alternative.

Cheers to new beginnings!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Life After Suger

A Consumers Guide to Alternative Sweeteners

Refined carbohydrates are often called empty calories. Actually, they’re worse than “empty” – they’re comparable to credit cards that create nutritional debt in the body. For example, a teaspoon of white sugar seems harmless – it tastes good and contains only 15 little calories. However, a closer look at the chemistry of its metabolism reveals that a tremendous effort is needed for the body to use those 15 calories as fuel.
Luckily, there are many healthier options to choose from. However, there are pros and cons to every concentrated sweetener, no matter how natural the source is. Make sure that you’re not simply replacing a diet high in refined cane sugar with a diet high in another natural sweetener.

Whole food sweeteners have a deeper, richer taste so you often need less than a refined sweetener. The best part is, all of them can help minimize inflammation when eaten in moderation. Recent studies have shown that unrefined sweeteners retain their natural anti-inflammatory antioxidants. By replacing refined sugars with whole food sweeteners, you’ll help protect your body from the inflammatory effects of unbalanced sugar levels, and reap the health benefits of free radical scavengers. Raw honey, molasses, whole stevia leaf, and fruits contain the highest amounts of antioxidants.

The following list of sweeteners is an excerpt from the Meals That Heal Inflammation Course, which is under development. It will be available at later this year.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Ingredients from Herbal or Animal Origin?

Regarding effect and compatibility we prefer ingredients of herbal origin. As a matter of principle we at Dr. Baumann do not use ingredients from animal origin. Abandonment of substances from animal origin makes sense for ethical reasons, environmental reasons and reasons of health.

As there is no or no decent legislation about experimenting with cosmetic substances on animals a producer of cosmetics never can guarantee products free of animal testing. Moreover, in many countries laws exist that place an obligation to producers of products to test products on animals before introducing them on the market. Although alternative procedures do exist already, legislators and lawmakers are often slow and sluggish to transform such findings into laws for the better of animals.

So even if producers of Skin Care products does not utilize “animal testing” by themselves or charge another company with such testing, they can never really guarantee that the processed substances had not been tested on living animals.

So even if such would be desirable from an ethical point of view, no producer of cosmetic products can guarantee products without animal testing, however he/she can guarantee products free of ingredients from animal origin. Since the origin of animal ingredients can’t be traced easily the answer can only be not to use such substances at all. (Thinks about hormones that are illegal within the EU but legal within the US, chemotherapeutica legal in the EU and the US, intensive farming, extraordinarily cruel and inhuman transportation methods to slaughterhouses etc.).

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Children's products - do you know what's in them?


Choose safe ingredients for young skin

In July and August of 2007, EWG surveyed more than 3,300 parents to find out what shampoos, lotions, bath soaps and other personal care products their children use.

Based on the specific products named by these parents, we found that children are exposed to an average of 61 different chemical ingredients every day, many of which have not been found safe for children by the government or the cosmetic industry’s expert safety panel.

Due to gaping loopholes in federal law, cosmetics companies can put almost any ingredient they choose into their products, with no requirement to safety test. Companies can also claim that their products are gentle and natural even when they contain artificial chemical ingredients or harsh skin irritants. (Read more)

Exposures to harmful chemicals during childhood pose concern because children are more vulnerable to chemicals than are adults. In many ways, children are like sponges for chemicals. Children’s skin is 30 percent thinner than an adults’, on average, and can absorb greater amounts of chemicals from the skin surface. They breathe in more air (and air contaminants) relative to their weight than adults, and the blood-brain barrier that helps block chemicals from penetrating brain tissue is not fully formed until a baby reaches six months of age.

Parents must be particularly careful to choose safe products for their children.

Browse the database to find products for your children:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yoga is more than trendy!

From a yoga perspective, good health starts within. All yogic practices help to keep your skin healthy and radiant.

Yoga encourages you to be body aware, to be conscious of what is going on inside your body and to observe the external signs and systems of imbalance; for example, cracks, ravines, white furry coatings on your tongue indicate internal imbalances; or spots and pimples, cracked fingernails, dandruff, leg cramps, gassy stomach, excessive yawning, all these physical symptoms lead to you feeling below par, stressed and tired. Joining a Yoga class is a perfect solution to re-balance and renew yourself.

To boost and support your immune system, practice the following natural self care tips and see what a difference they make to the quality and health of your skin.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Skincare is no longer the domain of women and it is obvious that a well groomed man has advantages in everyday life.

It’s no coincidence that successful, groomed men are readily noticed and their appearance results in positive reactions. Men want simple, fast solutions to their daily skincare needs. DR. BAUMANN® Products offer exactly that. You need only 5 minutes daily in order to achieve an optimal skincare condition.

Shaving is a real burden for the skin especially when it is a daily occurrence. Therefore precise, recommended skincare is essential and it must fulfill the following criteria:

No additional burden on the skin through questionable ingredients in shaving creams, gels, shaving tonics, cleansers and treatment products. It is exactly those fragrances and preservatives that irritate the skin and can lead to serious allergies after years of use.

The University of Kyoto in Japan has proved and documented that the constant use of the most commonly used preservatives in skincare will result in dramatic aging of the skin. Mineral oils, especially when in high quantities can disturb the functions of the skin, particularly the barrier functions.

As shaving is responsible for strongly irritated skin, it should be treated daily with skin identical lipids and Vitamin A to actively regenerate and soothe it. Natural Vitamin E serves as an effective protection for stressed skin.

Allergies that result from substances that are not skin friendly must be treated exclusively with skin identical ingredients and vitamins such as SkinIdent®, ideal for the specific requirements of a mans skin. Problems such as skin irritations and redness are minimized in a short time especially when the skin (beard) is prepared beforehand so that the shave can be carried out as gently as possible.

We therefore recommend SkinIdent® Cleansing Gel or DR. BAUMANN® Cleansing Gel to be applied on a damp skin. Allow yourself the perfect luxury of applying a Liposome product on the skin, (after the dampening but before the saving proceeds.) This Liposome preparation should also be applied after the shave. In this way you obtain the perfect possibility for a gentle shave. 

Instead of a skin irritating After Shave with fragrance, we recommend a gentle skin friendly alternative with the SkinIdent® Tonic. Your skin will now be perfectly prepared for the Liposome treatment and recommended treatment cream to follow.

In addition to your daily skincare it is recommended especially for a skin with large pores and thick horny layer that you carry out a peeling using DR. BAUMANN® peeling products 1 – 4 times per week.This will remove dead cells on the skins surface and will improve the blood circulation in the skin. The result is a fresh skin that absorbs active ingredients more effectively. The recommended peeling product is massaged gently into a moist skin and is rinsed off with water (avoid the eye area and shave sensitive areas).
Your skin is your largest organ and therefore healthy skincare does not only allow for a better appearance, but also for a younger healthier skin for your whole life.

You Are What You Absorb - The First Toxin Free Skin Nutrition

Dangerous Cosmetics

The Story of Cosmetics (2010)


Our mothers generally provide us with their unique beauty inheritance and habits.
As daughters mature from girls into women, their smiles, voices, gestures and tastes are influenced by their Mothers. The similarities in the way daughters style and present themselves serve as visual testimonies to the closeness of this bond and are part of developing a sense of identity and self esteem. 

Mothers must be conscious of the amount of influence they hold and use it in a positive way.

Mothers start their daughters on a path to beauty which they eventually make their own through the confidence that comes from Moms love and support. Once daughters feel secure in whom they are a transition point in the relationship occurs as they then have fun in guiding their mothers through the constantly evolving world of beauty products and treatments
As both slip into busy and autonomous lives that may sometimes be separated by distance, making the time for a pampering spa break or enjoying an at-home beauty ritual together, such as a facial and manicure, can provide mothers and daughters with the much-needed time, space and intimacy to strengthen their emotional bond.

Make the time to enjoy a Bionome Mother and Daughter Beauty Day and do all the fun glam rituals that you both love. Bionome Meaning using beauty products that are skin friendly or skin identical.

Free of Chemical Ingredients
Free of Chemical Preservatives
Free of Colorants
Free of Fragrance
Free of Oxygen
Free of Paper Packaging
Free of Ingredients of Animal Origin
Free of Chemical Sunscreens
Producing only skin compatible or skin identical products

Discuss the need for safe healthy Bionome Skincare and make those products a part of your gifts to each other. Share all “safe skincare” information, it’s a health essential.

Have family meals together and make sure that they are nutritious ones Exercise together. Mom, encourage a positive body image and healthy self esteem for your daughter by praising her qualities rather than her appearance. And, naturally make a regular Mother Daughter beauty date.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


60 – Percentage or what’s placed on the skin that gets absorbed into the body (and into your bloodstream!!).
0 – The number of natural ingredients a product must have in order to be called “natural”
70 – The percentage of water in most beauty products – Yikes! That’s some expensive water!
4-7 – The average number of pounds of lipstick a woman inadvertently consumes during her lifetime
12 – The average number of beauty products a woman uses each day
126 – The average number of ingredients people apply on their skin daily
20 – The percentage of all cosmetic ingredients assessed for safety by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review
Petroleum Waste – The common name for Propylene Glycol, an ingredient found in most beauty products
NO – Must a product with a picture of a kiwi on it actually contain a kiwi?
It is important to inform yourself about the cosmetic ingredients that you apply to your skin. Click here for an A – Z Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary.

Enjoy the sun in a healthy safe way

Vitamin D in the skin. However excessive exposure to these UV rays means sunburn is a health hazard.
Premature aging and malignant tumours can be a result of too much sun. In addition hyper pigmentation caused by perfume exposed to the suns rays and allergies caused by preservatives and emulgators in sun protection products etc are a risk.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Pimple Cream - A MUST HAVE!

Pimples are no longer targeting teenagers.  We all get them!  Beau Caire Pimple Cream is amazing.  Spot treat.  It's tinted so blend with your skin tone ~ 24 to 48 hrs and pimple is gone!  I highly recommend it ~ it's amazing!

A special skin care product to cover pimples and skin impurities using kaolin and mineral pigments. Consistent use dries out pimples. An ideal supplement for BeauCaire® Liposome Tea Tree.
15 ml jar
Art.-No. 128

INCI declaration (ingredients):

Aqua, Kaolin, Ethyl Hexyl Cocoate, Butylene Glycol, Titan Dioxide C.I.77891, Urea, Stearyl Alcohol, Polyglyceryl-3 Methyl Glucose Distearate, Sodium Lactate, Ceteareth-20, Iron Oxides C.I.77491, C.I.77492, C.I.77499, D-mixed-Tocopherols

Available at Skin So Real.
Contact us at 647.896.1566

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Canada Day - Celebrating 44 Years

Happy Canada Day to all!

I recently ventured into the heart of the city, Toronto, and ended up at Union Station.  I've been there many times before, rushing through, never really paying attention to my surrounds.  This time, I wasn't in a hurry and without realizing the intention, I headed up to the Great Hall.  I stood in awe, looking up, soaking the detailed beauty of the ceiling, captivated by the beauty of architecture surrounding me.  I knew very little about the history of Union Station.  All I knew was that 44 years ago, in February of 1967, my family arrived at Union Station in Toronto, after 3 days of train traveling from Vancouver.

Vancouver was our point of entry to Canada.  Our family immigrated to Canada from Australia.  We traveled by ship and was at sea for 17 days.  We departed from Melbourne, Australia, with stops in Sydney, Fiji, New Zealand, Hawaii, San Francisco all the way up to Vancouver.  There was an air strike at the time, and my father booked the family to travel by train to Toronto.  I have scattered memories of the train travel but I remember the Rockies vividly. How incredibly beautiful are the Rockies!!

As I stood in the Great Hall, I remembered coming out of departures.  We were greeted by my uncle, and his friends.  I also remember one of my uncle's friends and my father embracing with such happiness.  He found a friend, from the old country, Greece. A friend who was in the army with my father, doing their patriotic military duty. I also remember it being very cold, a cold I was not accustomed to. This would take some getting used to, and after 44 years, I'm still trying to get used to it.  Actually, I've had enough of the cold!

I walked out to Front Street and stared at the Royal York Hotel.  WOW, it's still as grand as the first time I saw the hotel.  It was the tallest building in Toronto in 1967.  Look at it now, still igniting such grandness in the centre of it all, in fine company with Union Station right across the street.

This Canada Day, I'm going to go back to Union Station and revel in the place, Toronto, which has been my home for 44 years.

Happy Canada Day! 

Toxins In Cosmetics / Educational Video

Saturday, June 25, 2011


The special quality of the DR. BAUMANN MakeUp line is the result of successful cooperation with experts in various fields. The size of the product range, the colours and other quality requirements set out as objectives. Another goal was to meet or even surpass the high standards demanded by professional makeup artists. This important job fell to German Makeup Champion 2000, Tülay Aktag. The evaluation of ingredients on dermatological and allergological grounds was incumbent on Dr. Henrich, a doctor and naturopath, as the DR. BAUMANN COSMETIC bionome quality standards require that risky ingredients be excluded.

Animals are also protected by the bionome ethical and quality guidelines. Therefore DR. BAUMANN completely rejects the use of animal ingredients and guarantees that all DR. BAUMANN makeup brushes are made from synthetic hair. The quality of these brushes is so outstanding that you will struggle to tell them apart from brushes made with animal hair.

As a successfully renowned cosmetic chemist Dr. Baumann also provided discerning input into this makeup line. Finally Ms. Aktag carried out numerous tests on all the products in the professional fields of film and television as well as daily use by normal consumers, until her strict quality requirements were more than fulfilled. Creating natural beauty and radiance is something she considers crucially important.

Just as with the two skincare lines, SkinIdent® and DR. BAUMANN COSMETIC, this makeup selection is also oriented towards the DR. BAUMANN bionome quality guidelines: Skin-friendly, animal-friendly and environmentally friendly.


Friday, June 24, 2011






BABY LOTION -used to moisturize baby skin
INCI declaration: Water, Propylene Glycol, Myristyl Myristate, Glyceryl Stearate, Oleic Acid, Stearic Acid, Polysorbate 61, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Dimethicone, Isopropyl Palmitate, Sorbitan Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Synthetic Beeswax, Stearyl Alcohol, Benzyl Alcohol, Carbomer, Fragrance, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben, BHT, Sodium Hydroxide, Red 33

DR. BAUMANN BABY & KIDS CREAM - used to moisturize baby and kids' skin
INCI declaration: Water, Oleum Macadamiae, Isocetyl Palmitate, Hydroxyoctacosanyl Hydroxystearate, Butylene Glycol, Diisostearoyl Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Panthenol, Urea, D-Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Lactate, Allantoin, Lactic Acid, Sodium Chlorid, Ascorbyl Phosphate, beta-Carotin.

BABY WASH - used to bathe baby skin
INCI declaration: Water, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, PEG-80 Sorbitan Laurate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, PEG-150 Distearate, Tetrasodium EDTA, Sodium Chloride, Polyquaternium-10, Fragrance, Quaternium-15, Citric Acid
DR. BAUMANN BABY CLEANSING LOTION -used to bathe baby skin
 INCI declaration: Water(Aqua), Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate, Sodium Lauroyl Sarkosinate, Urea, Cocoglucosides(and)Glyceryloleate, Sucrose Cocoate, D,L-alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate, Acrylates Copolymer, Citric Acid

INCI declaration: Water, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, PEG-80 Sorbitan Laurate, Sodium Trideceth Sulfate, PEG-150 Distearate, Fragrance, Polyquaternium-10, Tetrasodium EDTA, Quaternium-15, Citric Acid, Yellow 10 and Orange 4. May also contain: Citric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide.

Ingredients (INCI): Water (Aqua), Sodium Laureth Sulfat(and)Laurylglucoside, Sodium Lauroyl Sarkosinate, Urea, Cocoglucosides(and)Glyceryloleate, Butylene Glycol, Glycol Distearate(and)Steareth-4, Linoleamide DEA, Sodium Chloride, Dicaprylyl Ether(and)Laurylalcohol, D,L-alph-Tocopheyl Acetate, Extr. Urticae e Fol, Polyquaternium 10, Oleum Chamaemelum ormensis
 DIAPER RASH CREAM - for baby's bottom
Active Ingredients: Zinc Oxide (13%)
Other Ingredients: Water, Mineral Oil, Dimethicone, Glycerin, Lanolin, Petrolatum, Sorbitan Isostearate, Panthenol, Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Flour, Microcrystalline Wax, Synthetic Beeswax, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Lactate, Magnesium Sulfate, Lactic Acid, DMDM Hydantoin, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate

 DR. BAUMANN ZINC CREAM - for baby's bottom
INCI Declaration: Aqua, Ethyl Hexyl Cocoate, Zinc Oxide, Butylene Glycol, Urea, Caprylic/ Capric Stearic Triglycerides, Stearyl Alcohol, D-alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, Polyglyceryl-3 Methyl Glucose Distearate, Methyl Glucose Sesquistearate, Sodium Lactate, Allantoin, Xanthan Gum.



Face masks can help to make the difference between a good or a great skin, not to mention the “instant“ glow and vitality that reflects the new you as you glance into your bathroom mirror.

The application spectrum addresses individual skin deficiencies, effectively supporting the natural health and beauty of the skin. Masks are an essential asset for a “glam night” on the town, a pick me up-energiser after a sleepless night, a fresh clearness for an oily impure skin, a first date confidence builder, a natural lift for a mature skin or a surge of moisture for a dry skin. There are gentle, well-formulated masks that can be used as often as necessary and they are definitely a highly recommended investment for an enduringly beautiful skin. There are many facial masks available so be sure to choose the mask that suits your skin type and makes you feel good.

“Sleep in “masks are also a great option for demanding lives. Apply the mask before going to sleep. The “morning you” will look simply radiant.

Getting Close Up and personal

Dr Baumann Bionome Liposome Mask is a bouquet of treating Vitamins E, A and D-Panthenol, calming Aloe Vera and Macadamia, that treat not only the surface of the skin but also reach the deeper layers of the skin for a more intense effect. It can be applied over night or in the bath and is essential for a dehydrated, mature skin.

The Dr Baumann Bionome Aloe Vera Mask is a soothing mixture of healing herbs and Aloe Vera ideal for reddened irritated or impure skin.

The Dr. Baumann Bionome Cream Mask is a deep cleansing mask that also calms clarifies and regenerates the skin leaving it refreshed and vital.

1 Plus 1
You don’t have to stop at only one mask. Choose a deep cleansing exfoliating mask it’s a basic beauty essential
Add an intense revitalizing, hydrating or a firming anti aging mask for youthful glamour.
Treat yourself at least once a week – It’s a vacation worth taking!

Your personal guarantee from Dr. Baumann Bionome Cosmetics; A visibly more beautiful skin in just 3-5 weeks!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Enjoy the Sun in a Healthy & Safe Way

Welcome to Summer!

We all enjoy the warmth of the summer sun, and spend as much time outdoors as we possibly can.  I would like to share the following important information with you.

How much time can we spend outdoors?

* are we using sunscreen that is healthy and safe for us?

* are we applying sunscreen to face and body and reapplying, thinking we're being protected from the sun?
* do higher SPF's give more protection or is it just marketing?



* 97% of sunscreens contain OMC - Octyl-methoxycinnamate increased proliferation of breast cancer cells
during a study conducted by the University of Zurich in Switzerland and published in the March 2001 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives.

* One cannot be out in the sun all day, reapplying sunscreen, believing it will protect them from burning. In fact, to calculate how much time you can spend out in the sun with protection, follow the following formula:

Ask yourself, how much time can I be out in the sun, unprotected, before I start to burn?  5 min, 10 min, 15 min or 20 minutes?

                ie.  10 minutes  X  20SPF = 200 minutes  DIVIDED by 60 minutes = 3hrs and 33 min


* Higher SPFs is strictly marketing and gives you no greater protection than a SPF 20 or SPF 30.  In fact, a 20 and or 30 SPF will give you the maximum protection.


Let us know what sun care products you wish to order!



Find out from EWG which toxins are contained in various fragrance produc...

American cosmetics: a dumping ground for chemicals


Supplement your health and a beautiful skin. You can make a difference

Maintaining a nutritionally balanced diet is universally recognized as a key factor in promoting better health physically, mentally and emotionally and specific fruit, nuts and vegetables play an important preventative and curative role in our daily lives. One can also influence various skin conditions with the intake of specific nutrients.

Acne and Impure Skin
Wheat Germ oil: enhances the metabolism of fats, thereby reducing the excretory burden on the skin, improves digestion, the assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of waste product. Take 1-2 teaspoons daily Cucumber as bulk or juice is a potent diuretic that facilitate the excretion of waste through the kidneys. Garlic purifies the bloodstream and purges the body of toxic waste. It kills bacteria attracted to festering eruptions on the skin. (Must be taken raw or in tablet form.) Other Beneficial foods: Fresh lemon juice in warm water, alfalfa tea, raw potatoes juice ¼ litre daily.

Allergies can be greatly influenced by detoxifying methods Carrot juice- detoxifies the liver, blood and intestinal tract, and balances the intestinal tract. Drink 1 litre per day. Cucumber juice purges the blood and kidneys of acids and other toxins, thereby encouraging the excretion of waste, it also balances the pH. It can be mixed with carrot juice. Drink 1 litre per day.

AGING Skin aging is related primarily to genetics and environmental and lifestyle influences.

If you are already engaging in healthy habits, take it a step further and try to fine-tune your diet to achieve added health benefits by adding new foods to your diet, Some experts say one answer to aging gracefully can be found in the grocery store — in fruits, vegetables, green tea, and a host of other healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants and other potentially age-deterring compounds.

Food for Healthy Aging
For maximum benefits, experts say, you should load up on a variety of healthy foods. Fish. Follow the guidelines of the American Heart Association and eat twice weekly, especially the fatty kind that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory food that offers a multitude of health benefits.
• Fruits and vegetables are powerhouses of antioxidants. Aim for a variety of colourful produce. Enjoy at least 5 servings per day for the maximum benefits.
• Whole grains provide soluble fibre to help lower blood cholesterol levels, and also have phytonutrient content equal to any fruit or vegetable. Strive for at least 3 daily servings.
• Legumes are unsung heroes, packed with nutrients similar to fruits and vegetables and with very few calories. Add them to your diet 3 to 4 times a week.
• Yogurt has all the benefits of dairy foods. Add a yogurt with active cultures as one of your 3 dairy servings each day.
• Nuts are a great source of B vitamins that are good for your heart and your brain. The healthy fats in nuts benefit the elastin and collagen in skin, helping to maintain the skin‘s structure and keep it resilient. Small portions are advised, as nuts are high in calories.
• Water is essential for hydration of the skin, muscles, circulation, and all organs in the body. Enjoy 3-4 glasses of pure water in addition to other liquids and watery foods, eg Watermelon.

Drink carrot, Beet and Cucumber juice : this blend provides a potent boost of the active enzymes and organic nutrients to the bloodstream, while also alkalizing and cleansing the kidneys, which in turn improves the blood quality and helps to relieve fatigue. Combine equal amounts of each ingredient and drink 1 litre per day Carrot juice alone is perhaps the best overall therapeutic food in the world; it alkalizes , cleanses, nourishes and stimulates almost every system in the body; as such it is an effective antidote for nervous exhaustion, caused by the nutrient deficient diet of today’s busy stressed society. Nutritional Supplements: These are absolutely essential as a base for a healthy, youthful skin and body. Even if you maintain a healthy diet your body cannot extract important elements fin sufficient quantities or is not able to make certain valuable elements from your food. It is therefore necessary to provide additional valuable nutritional essentials by means of a supplement intake.

Dr BAUMANN COSMETICS Offers a Food Supplement with Vitamins, Minerals and essential trace elements. This supplement contains the exact elements necessary to support a healthy body and contributes greatly to skincare from within.

The DR BAUMANN Omega 3 Food Supplement contains the essential Omega 3 fatty acids for a healthy skin, body and mind. Nutrition is a vast subject but this information should encourage you to Learn more for Health’s sake.

Friday, June 17, 2011


You’ve just applied some new make-up purchased at your favourite store. Suddenly your skin starts to itch or burn. You run to the mirror and see that you have broken out in a rash, bumps or blisters all of which are far from glamorous. This is an allergy alert.

Simply put, an allergy is the body’s reaction to something it does not like. Many harmful substances are eliminated naturally by the human body, but some are removed very slowly or not at all. This is known as “body burden” If you think your skincare usage cannot possibly be sufficient to seriously influence your body burden – think again.

Toxic chemicals are present in our bodies constantly. In many cases we absorb them through the skin when using skincare that contains colorants, chemical preservatives, chemical sunscreens and fragrance. Chemicals often attack, damage or kill cells or tissue in the body and this may result in aging, allergies, dermatitis, eczema and even cancer.


If we are concerned about the beauty products we use as adults we should pay serious attention to what products we use on our babies and toddlers skin.

Treating vulnerable babies and toddlers with questionable ingredients that include, fragrance, colorants, chemical preservatives, chemical sunscreens and mineral oils is extremely damaging to their delicate skin. Toxic chemicals are already present in your baby’s body. In many cases they are absorbed through the skin when using any Baby Care that contains any of the above mentioned ingredients.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Healthy and Safe Skincare

Become acquainted with the philosophy behind DR. BAUMANN COSMETIC: "Bionome" stands for our creed that all our products must be skin friendly, animal friendly and environment friendly in order to meet our quality standards. We want you to feel encouraged by the information on this site to live a better and healthier life by giving your skin the best care possible while gaining a better understanding of animal welfare and environmental protection. You will be surprised how much your everyday life can be improved by a better understanding of these factors.