Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Not On Vacation - Just Taking Care of Me

Hi everyone,

I've taken the week off! All my clients got excited about Eleni going away! Truth be told, I too was excited about taking a week off, but not for the same reason my clients were excited! You see, I had scheduled surgery - repairing a hernia, which possibly transpired as a result of last year's surgery....goodbye gall bladder!

I didn't stress about the time I would have to schedule off work. I know I'm my own boss and am responsible for keeping up with the day to day activities, both treatments and administrative. At the beginning of the summer, I knew I had a lot of work ahead of me, including the kind of things I would integrate to make life easy for me and my clients, and all the new clients coming! Aside from the blog, I had a clear vision of the content and direction of treatments, and the way things were going to be done!

For one thing, a new web-site had to be developed, and a loyalty program, and an easy way of letting people know that only healthy treatments are being offered, and that the energy healing component definitely takes care of one's inside. And, it had to get easier for a client to book an appointment, so with the help of Gen Book, we now have a fab online booking calendar, AND the convenience of online gift certificate purchases. How cool is that?! Do you know what this means? It means you can buy online for your best friend, colleague, sister or whoever, email the recipient with their gift, while yougeta copy and confirmation of the buy, all while you're sitting in your warm, fuzzy pajamas feeling absolutely fabulous that you didn't have to go anywhere except to your laptop at home!

The other matter, I kind of worried about, but not too much, was this: how are my clients going to feel about me taking a week off? Honestly, what was I thinking?! I have the most amazing clients! I told them straight up that I was having surgery, once the date was scheduled. Of course they are understanding. Of course it would be no issue at all, and believe me, it hasn't been an issue, because while I'm still in hospital, yes, that's right....I'm in my capri jama pants, ecru colour with blue sheep, and my hospital robe, room-mates making noises you don't want to know about....I feel amazing because clients have been booking online. I've been getting the booking notifications. Business is being booked and taken care of because I had the foresight to see what I was missing in my business, and to make sure it was done before my surgery.

I feel so amazing the website went up with the online appointment book, on time, and I've just sailed through a surgery and recovery, which isn't over yet, but isn't going to be a long drawn event, simply because I planned an easy recovery too!

I'll be home tomorrow, taking it easy for sure, but also making sure I get to do some more fun things for my clients.....all stress free!


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