Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Children's products - do you know what's in them?


Choose safe ingredients for young skin

In July and August of 2007, EWG surveyed more than 3,300 parents to find out what shampoos, lotions, bath soaps and other personal care products their children use.

Based on the specific products named by these parents, we found that children are exposed to an average of 61 different chemical ingredients every day, many of which have not been found safe for children by the government or the cosmetic industry’s expert safety panel.

Due to gaping loopholes in federal law, cosmetics companies can put almost any ingredient they choose into their products, with no requirement to safety test. Companies can also claim that their products are gentle and natural even when they contain artificial chemical ingredients or harsh skin irritants. (Read more)

Exposures to harmful chemicals during childhood pose concern because children are more vulnerable to chemicals than are adults. In many ways, children are like sponges for chemicals. Children’s skin is 30 percent thinner than an adults’, on average, and can absorb greater amounts of chemicals from the skin surface. They breathe in more air (and air contaminants) relative to their weight than adults, and the blood-brain barrier that helps block chemicals from penetrating brain tissue is not fully formed until a baby reaches six months of age.

Parents must be particularly careful to choose safe products for their children.

Browse the database to find products for your children:

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